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Cumulative rules of origin: WCO sheds lights on FTA provisions and Customs practices

29 October 2024
By the WCO Secretariat

Most free trade agreements (FTAs) include provisions related to the cumulation of rules of origin. Simply put, such provisions allow parties to an FTA to use products originating in a country which is another party to the same FTA, or in countries which are not linked by an FTA or are linked by a different FTA, as originating materials for the manufacture of an originating product.

To shed lights on cumulation rules, the WCO reviewed the 398 FTAs in force and solicited input from Customs administrations on their cumulation schemes, certification requirements and verification processes. The findings of the review and responses from administrations were compiled as part of a comprehensive study on cumulation of rules of origin published in June 2024.

The document consists of the following three main sections:

  • a technical explanation of the concept of cumulation with examples of cumulation provisions;
  • findings from the review of the cumulation rules and procedural requirements in existing FTAs;
  • presentation of the cumulation schemes, requirements and verification processes in the 29 countries which responded to the survey.

More information
Study on Accumulation/Cumulation