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Promoting risk management: latest developments at the WCO

5 March 2025
By the WCO Secretariat

The WCO has developed practical guidance and training material in order to support Customs administrations in developing and maintaining a sound risk management policy. It has also developed a strong pool of experts who can assist those administrations in need of trainers.

Customs Risk Management Compendium

The Risk Management Compendium, developed by the WCO Global Information and Intelligence Strategy (GIIS) Working Group and first released in 2011, is continuously being updated.

The latest edition of the Compendium came out in 2023 and includes new sections on methods for detecting anomalies in data and for data cleaning. It also incorporates case studies on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse the ever-expanding volume of data that Customs administrations collect, and on addressing insider threats at ports and airports.

A new edition is to be released in June 2025. It will provide examples of using AI to automatically analyse non-intrusive inspection (NII) X-ray images and will explore risk management techniques for postal and express consignments.

In May 2024, a web application was launched to facilitate the consultation of the Compendium, which had grown to 800 pages. Representatives of WCO Members wishing to access Volume 2 of the Compendium via the application should contact the WCO Secretariat at riskmanagement@wcoomd.org.


In June 2024, new e-learning modules on risk management were added to the WCO’s CLiKC! online training platform. The first module introduces the core principles of risk management and explains how they translate into real-world operations. Three other modules address specific topics: data analysis with exercises based on a dataset from the WCO Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) database, passenger screening with a focus on data analysis and interrogation techniques, and insider threats in maritime and air transport.

Pool of experts

Over the past three years, in order to respond to an increase in the number of requests for assistance in building risk management skills, the WCO Secretariat has been expanding its pool of risk management experts. Accreditation workshops in risk management and intelligence analysis have been held for Customs officers in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. They have all been organizing training sessions for their national administrations and have been supporting WCO capacity-building efforts. Some experts in risk management are women who are also supporting efforts to enhance gender diversity in risk management-related functions.

One of those experts is Eloise Edwige Dossa, Director of Customs Operations at Benin Customs. Having participated in the Master Trainer Programme managed by the WCO and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), she developed a course module on risk management for the Benin National Customs School, became a member of the selectivity committee, contributed to drafting her administration’s approach towards intelligence and trained around 400 officers. She also participated in the development of the regional risk management plan of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission and in the identification of common criteria and standards for risk management and selectivity for ECOWAS Members, as well as control measures and priority control areas.

Yesenia Aguilar, an expert at the Mexico Customs Intelligence Division, has contributed to enhancing risk management practices within her administration and has participated in mentoring programmes tailored to women. In addition to delivering specialized training, she has provided strategic guidance to women who aspire to joining Customs or becoming risk analysts, fostering a more inclusive and skilled workforce.

Sreya Hong, a risk management officer at Cambodia Customs, has conducted several training courses for her home administration and for the WCO Secretariat, especially for the Passenger and Cargo Control Programme managed by the WCO and UNODC. She also participated in the 20th Session of the WCO Virtual Customs Orientation Academy (VCOA) as a tutor, providing guidance on risk management to newly recruited Customs officers from over 43 countries.

Any officers interested in becoming WCO experts should contact the WCO Secretariat at the email address below.

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