WCO launches the Smart Customs Community Portal to bridge gaps in the adoption of disruptive technologies
5 March 2025
By The WCO SecretariatOn 18 December 2024, the WCO launched a new web platform to facilitate the sharing of knowledge on the application of technological and innovative solutions enabling efficient monitoring and control of cross-border trade operations.
The platform, called the “Smart Customs Community Portal”, is funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of China (CCF-China) and is a cornerstone of the WCO Smart Customs Project, an initiative aiming to bridge the digital divide among WCO Members.
The Portal is to serve as a hub for knowledge dissemination and collaboration on the development, deployment, use and maintenance of various technologies and devices, such as artificial intelligence, big data, biometrics, blockchain, cloud computing, geospatial mapping, the Internet of Things, virtual reality, robots and drones.
Established following consultation with Customs administrations, the Portal has both public and restricted areas:
- The public section includes information on the Smart Customs Project and other WCO initiatives, instruments and tools, as well as links to external websites and eLearning courses.
- The restricted section of the Portal, accessible to National Contact Points (NCPs) nominated by WCO Member administrations, is divided into the following sub-sections:
- Member contributions: a repository showcasing research and perspectives from WCO Members on the adoption of disruptive technologies.
- WCO Smart Customs Project deliverables, including dedicated research, self-assessment tools, as well as case studies and reports on the adoption of the technologies.
- Discussion forums on key technologies, as well as on transversal topics such as legal frameworks, cybersecurity and green technologies.
- National Contact Point (NCP) section, where WCO Members can share contact information. As of 10 February 2025, 131 WCO Members had nominated NCPs.
The Portal is constantly evolving. Planned updates will include the addition of a dedicated space for Members to share experiences and insights on best practices and pitfalls in technology adoption.
Requests to access the restricted section of the Portal must be sent via nominated National Contact Points to smartcustoms@wcoomd.org.
More information
Smart Customs Community Portal
WCO Smart Customs Project web page
A first tool has already been published to help Customs administrations evaluate their readiness for AI/ML adoption, identify weaknesses, explore potential use case and improvement opportunities, and build internal capacities.
Smart Customs Community Portal